#cheshire #christmasconcert #christmasmusic #cornetto #crumhorns #dulcian #earlymusic #funatchristmas #grettonmusic #grettonwhatson #hamar #keswick #keswick what's on #keswickmusic #keswickmusicsociety #keswickwhatson #lateatthegate #leekartsfestival #leekwhatson #littlemoretonhall #live music #livemusic #matlockmusicsociety #matlocwhatson #middelalderfestival #musicforshakespeare #musicinleek #musicinmatlock #musiclondon #nationaltrustevents #northantswhatson #norway #piva renaissance #pivarenaissance #pivarenaissance #lifem #renaissancemusic #bagpipes #shawms #dulcians #crumhorns #lifem22 #renaissancemusic #shawms #staffordshirewhatson #theatre by the lake #tudor music #tudorchristmas #tudormusic #viol #whatsoncheshire #whatsoninlondon #yuletide ashbourne music bagpipes cheshire what's on derbyshire what's on Early music Little Moreton Hall midsummer; piva; little moreton hall; early music; tudor music national trust events norwegian adventure Piva renaissance music summer concerts summer music sutton on the hill
Join us for a weekend of music making in the glorious Halsway Manor in Somerset. This will be our ninth Real Roots! course and we welcome both familiar and new faces. This year we will be focusing on the music from England. There’s lots to explore and we will be looking at everything from popular dance and song tunes through to some more lengthy works.
The focus will be on working in small consorts, having started the day playing as a large group. There are lots of opportunities to play a whole range of instruments and don’t worry if you don’t have ‘renaissance’ instruments – we don’t discriminate! All standards of playing are catered for but to get the most out of the course some sight reading ability is required.
There are a range of prices and accommodation options. For further information and booking, then go to https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/piva-real-roots-2025/