We are absolutely delighted to be playing at Acton Court in August. The most special of venues!
If you have the chance to see Piva, jump at it.
Voluntary Arts Ireland
Like all good bands, Piva need to be experienced live.
Paul James, Blowzabella
An Elizabethan progress was a lavish and costly affair, with citizens, courtiers and civic authorities going to great lengths to ensure that their Queen received the very best they could offer whether it was food, accommodation or entertainment. Renowned Renaissance music group Piva will capture the festive flavour of these events by presenting a programme of popular dance and ballad music that could have been heard on such a journey. Playing music from country house and stately court through to rowdy tavern and village green, this entertaining show will be accompanied by stories and contemporary accounts of the Progresses.
For this programme Piva are delighted to be joined by guest musicians An Croenen Brutsaert (voice), Kate Moran (violin), David Jarratt-Knock (cornetto) and Mary Mohan (viol).
Read more on the Acton Court website: http://www.actoncourt.com/special-events