Author Archives: Jane Moulder

Inchenhofen 2020!

PIVA Poster Pin Ups! We are really pleased that we will be visiting our old friends in Inchenhofen, Bavaria in 2020.  This will be our third visit and we know, already, that it is going to be a highlight of our year!  We were also delighted for find out that Tony and Jude are featuring […]

New Archaedium recording

We’re really pleased to announce that Archaedium’s new CD, Music of the Plantagenets, has finally been released. PIVA Collective member, Mary Mohan, directs the medieval music group, Archaedium. So, if you like 15th century music (as well as PIVA’s 16th century variety!), then please give this fantastic recording a listen. Available from Bandcamp

CD recording has started!

It may be a while before it’s released but we’re very pleased to have finally started recording our next CD. It will be a CD dedicated to music from late 16th century England and will be named after one of our favourite pieces – The Faerie Round. Here is Eric in the studio laying down […]

PIVA newsletter out now!

Piva Acton Court Glorianna

The latest PIVA newsletter has just been sent out to all its subscribers. The newseletter has a comprehensive list of all forthcoming dates and events as well as some exciting news – a trip to Norway and the recording of our new CD. If you’ve not received it, then you can read it here: