Author Archives: Jane Moulder

Check out our calendar!

We have a couple of concerts coming up this April.  We are so pleased to be performing our most popular show – Measure for Measure – this spring.  Bringing to life the world of Shakespeare’s theatre through words and music, this concert will run the gamut from the lively streets to the refined courtly atmosphere.  […]

Christmas Concert tickets now on sale!

We are delighted to be giving a Christmas Concert in Leek again this year.  It will be held on Saturday, 10th December at 7.30pm.  We will include many of our favourite seasonal pieces (and what would Christmas be without Gaudete?!) as well as some new ones for this year. Tickets can be bought online from […]

PIVA performs at LIFEM 2022!

We are delighted to be performing again at LIFEM and we have developed a new programme, especially for this prestigious festival. ‘The Road to Venice’, showcases how Italian musical style was influenced and absorbed by the English.  The concert will feature music from both English and Italian composers of the late 16th century, all delivered […]

New videos available!

Thanks to The Early Music Shop and Matt Jolly, we have some great footage of PIVA playing on the Dome Stage at Snape Maltings.  Either look at our Sights and Sounds page on our website ( for a selection or go to our YouTube page to watch these and others. (  They’re a great souvenir […]

New Fanfare!

PIVA are honoured that LIFEM (London International Festival of Early Music) has commissioned the composer, Toby Young, (  to write a fanfare for the group.  Its premiere will be at the opening of this year’s event on the 11th November.  The piece is called ‘At the Fair’ written for four rauschpfeifen, bass dulcian and percussion.  It must be […]